Tell SBI’s investors to speak out and stop the loan

Fill out the form to contact SBI’s investors now to let them know that they must stop the State Bank of India funding Adani’s mega-mine. 

Major State Bank of India Investor Amundi has already come out and said they will divest tens of millions in green bonds if SBI's $1bn loan for Adani's climate-wrecking coal mine goes ahead! Amundi has engaged SBI on the Adani loan and has been told "the decision has not been made." [1]

Some of SBI’s investors, including Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse and HSBC have explicitly ruled out supporting Adani’s coal project. However, if SBI provides $1 billion to Adani, as SBI investors they will be breaking that commitment.

Read more about the news and contact SBI directly here.

[1] Amundi threatens to divest State Bank of India's green bonds over coal project, Environmental Finance, 27 November 2020 [paywalled]