Donate to help #StopAdani

Donate to help #StopAdani

People power has kept Adani’s coal in the Galilee Basin for ten years, and it remains the thing that will stop it.

Our powerful grassroots movement, driven by dozens of local groups across the country, is shifting Australia and the world away from coal.

Together, we've convinced 102 major companies to choose people and the climate over Adani’s coal, we've stopped Adani getting $1 billion from Australian taxpayers, and we've stopped Adani getting any private funding or major insurance.

But to take on a billionaire's coal mine and win, we need you.

Your donation will power one of the biggest grassroots movements in Australia’s history to keep protecting people from the disastrous impacts of Adani’s coal on water, land rights, and the climate.

Here's how your donation works

Your donation will go to Tipping Point, the organisation that supports the #StopAdani movement and the national network of #StopAdani groups to flourish and win.

Your dollars will be hard at work...

  • bringing grassroots leaders together to get trained up and make powerful plans to stop Adani's coal mine for good
  • producing posters, banners, signs and flyers to get the #StopAdani message to the community
  • giving #StopAdani groups access to powerful digital tools to help them grow the movement, online and offline
  • helping #StopAdani groups do what they do best: run powerful local campaigns that reach millions of Australians, suburb by suburb and town by town!

Tipping Point is a project of Friends of the Earth Australia.