Crunch Time: Stop Adani Conference Call

Adani is on the brink of winning. Things could all come together for Adani within the next two months. 

This is crunch time. But we have a plan - to massively ramp up the pressure on key decision-makers in the next six weeks and delay the loan to Adani.

Join us for an emergency conference call on Monday to lock in this ambitious plan.

How to join:
To join online via video link, click here:
We recommend joining online if you can, as it is a more interactive experience. If you can't though, you can dial in by calling (02) 8015 2088 and entering the meeting ID: 438 366 371

NB: We will be meeting at 6:30pm Sydney time. This is 5:30pm QLD time, and 3:30pm Perth time.

October 30, 2017 at 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Rosy ·

Will you come?

Take More Action!