Stop Adani Beach Action Day
Join us for the #StopAdani National Day of Action, in Port Douglas!
On Saturday October 7, thousands of Australians across the country will be joining in the BIGGEST day of action we've ever seen to #StopAdani. Communities all over will be mobilising to literally spell out #StopAdani for the pollies in giant human signs, calling on them to rule out giving $1 billion loan of public money to Adani for this dangerous mega coal mine.
Stop Adani Douglas Shire are hosting a Climate and Reef Awareness Beach Day from 11:30am, with sand castle competitions, stalls and more!
WHO: Everyone fired up to #StopAdani - no matter where you're from!
WHAT: A giant human sign to #StopAdani! Sandcastles! And skydivers!
WHERE: Assembling on Four Mile Beach, at the Port Douglas Surf Life Savers Entrance
WHEN: The beach day kicks off with a sand castle competition at 11:30pm, great speakers, and the human sign at 2pm
HOW: Wear bright colours!! Or your #StopAdani or Fight For Our Reef t-shirt, so we stand out. Bring friends, family, sun protection, water and a black umbrella.
This is a family-friendly, fun, peaceful event. Tell all your friends about it and please share this event.
We need as many people as possible to make the message loud and clear - together we can #STOPADANI