Stop Adani at Sea Shepherd Brisbane Standfast festival

Sea Shepherd is very proud to be part of the Stop Adani Alliance. It is no secret that climate change is killing our primary life support system, our oceans. In a world that desperately needs a rapid transition away from fossil fuels, we have a Federal and Queensland State government openly embracing a new coal mine that, if it goes ahead, will be one of the biggest in this country, will spew 4.6 billion (that’s 460,000 million) tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent greenhouse gas into our fragile atmosphere over its reported ‘lifetime’ and speed up the impacts of climate change and global warming. 

Join Sea Shepherd at our 40th year anniversary fundraiser event where we will be creating aStop Adani sig using people power and a drone to create a strong message and add our voice to Stop Adani.  

Please wear any red clothing you may have  and bring along any other items of red clothing (scarfs etc) to help us create a strong image.  



October 07, 2017 at 3:30pm - 4:15pm


Rebecca Griffiths ·


Brothers Rugby Club
103 Crosby Rd
Albion, QLD 4010

Will you come?

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