Turn up the heat on Bill Shorten

Adani claim they are only weeks away from securing finance and starting work on the mine. They no longer need the banks, have enough money to fund the project themselves and want to start digging before the end of the year!

Yet Bill Shorten and the Labor Party continue to sit on the fence and refuse to side with the vast majority of Australians who want to #StopAdani.

From 9am on Thursday 22nd we’re heading to Bill Shorten's office to form the longest queue of concerned constituents he has ever seen. One by one we’ll take the time we need to outline all the reasons we want to #StopAdani and deliver a personal pledge to make sure Shorten feels the heat everyday he continues to support Adani.

WHAT: A summer heat themed community queue-up at Bill Shorten's office

BRING: Summer coloured clothes - reds and oranges + StopAdani signs and banners + the reasons you want to #StopAdani.


November 22, 2018 at 9:00am - 12pm


Bill Shorten's office
12 Hall St
Moonee Ponds, Victoria 3039

Will you come?

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