CHOOSE YOUR MP: Find out who your local MP is here, contact them and tell them what you want them to do to #StopAdani
LIBERAL / NATIONALS MPS — WHAT WE WANT THEM TO DO: The Coalition holds the approval of a $1bn taxpayer-funded NAIF loan for Adani in their hands. We want Liberal and Nationals MPs to come out against the $1bn taxpayer-funded loan!
LABOR MPS — WHAT WE WANT THEM TO DO: With PM Turnbull tanking in the polls, it's time for the ALP to act on what the majority of Australians will vote on next federal election, #StopAdani! We want Labor to commit to publicly come out against the $1bn taxpayer-funded NAIF loan if it was ever approved, revoke both the loan and Adani's environmental approvals. Such a commitment from Labor would create mayhem for Adani's prospects of securing international funders, as these funders need the Adani coal mine to remain viable long after the next election.