Screening of "Guarding the Galilee"
Dear Neighbours & Friends,
please come along and join our free screening of "Guarding the Galilee" (30 min documentary).
The film is about the battle to stop the biggest coal mine in Australia's history, Turnbull's/Adani's Carmichael project.
Get informed about one of the (if not the) most absurd projects Australia has seen in a time where the Reef is dying and the planet is warming at a highly alarmingly rate.
What will happen:
There will be an informative talk, the film screening + questions and discussion afterwards + the option to leave a message to our MP Matt Thistleswaite. We will also discuss possible actions and form action groups if interest exists.
It will be an outdoor (backyard) event and we'll have some Chai tea prepared to keep us warm.
You might want to bring a camping chair (and a mug) along, just in case we run out. It will be a family (kid) frinedly event and we have a strong focus on having quality time together.