QLD Gov say No to NAIF funding Adani - AYCC
Polling released this week confirms what we already all knew- the majority of Australians don’t want Adani's mine. We want a healthy, living Reef, and we want a safe climate. Before the last election, the Queensland Government said that Adani must show their project is viable without Government support. The Premier made an election commitment that ‘no taxpayer money would be given to build a rail line for a private commercial project. BUT, the Federal Government's NAIF slush fund is gearing up to give $1 billion of taxpayer funding to Adani to build the railway between their destructive mine and the Great Barrier Reef. So, it's time to show the QLD Government that their re-election depends on them upholding their promise and saying no to any public funding for Adani's disastrous project, and committing to rapidly moving away from dirty, destructive fossil fuels and investing in clean renewable energy.