Humans (and dogs) Against Adani

Ryde Gladesville Climate Action invites you to join us for the National Day of Action to stop the Adani coal mine. Wear red, bring a cup of tea and a scone - your mum, your best friend, your other friend who ISNT your BEST friend but gets it about climate, your dog.

We will spell out S T O P A D A N I in human letters and experience the joy of easy, fun, local and communal action on C L I M A T E.   for more info   or

In a few sentences, give people enough information about your event to get them excited. Tell them how they can be involved, offer any directions and describe what they need to bring.


October 08, 2017 at 4:00pm - 5pm


Joanne Spangaro ·


Meadowbank Park (Field 9)
Constitution Road
Meadowbank, NSW 2114

Will you come?

Take More Action!