Higgins Survey Saturday: Part 3
The ACF Higgins Climate Action Group is currently conducting a community survey about attitudes towards clean energy and the proposed Adani mine.
The intention is to present Kelly O'Dwyer with the results during the week of 20-24 November.
Meantime, the results still need to be collected, which we will be doing once more this Saturday on Chapel St, South Yarra/Prahran.
If you are willing to spend a couple of hours collecting surveys, we would be glad to see you. Meet us outside Aldis, in Elizabeth St, behind the Prahran Market (Melways 2L J9). There is paid parking opposite.
(Directions: head north along Chapel from Malvern Rd. Take the first turning to your left)
Please bring a hat, water, a pen, and a clipboard if you have one.
ACF Community Higgins is part of a network of independently organised, volunteer-run groups in the ACF community.