There are many Labor members who want to #StopAdani.

It’s vital that Labor’s leadership know that just like there’s a groundswell of community opposition to Adani there’s also a groundswell of Labor members who want to #StopAdani.

We need the local #StopAdani movement and the local Labor movement to work together. By reaching out to Labor members, Labor branches, and Labor Councillors, we can ask them to help Labor oppose Adani.

Find your local Labor branch by downloading the list of Labor branches below. Download the speaking points and the list of motions to present to a Labor branch, or Labor Councillor, or a group of Labor members so they can pass a motion.


IMPORTANT: Email [email protected] with your updates about connecting with Labor. Let us know when a branch or council passes a motion, or when an important member of Labor wants to do more to help Labor oppose Adani.



If you would like some pre-prepared slides for presenting to Labor members about why we need to #StopAdani, please email [email protected]