Brandis changes Native Title laws for Adani
This week the major parties voted to change native title laws to assist Adani get is destructive mine project over the line.
But the Wangan and Jagalingou people, who oppose the project being built on their lands, say they will continue to fight for their rights.
They have four matters in the court.
Senior spokesperson for the W&J, Adrian Burragubba, said:
“Adani's problems with the Wangan and Jagalingou people are not solved this week. The trial to decide the fate of Adani's supposed deal with the Wangan and Jagalingou Traditional Owners is scheduled for the Federal Court in March 2018.
Our people are the last line of legal defence against this mine and its corrosive impact on our rights, and the destruction of country that would occur.”
Photo: Wangan & Jagalingou Traditional Owners Family Council.
Only the Australian Greens voted against the laws.
One clear reason to oppose the Bill was the dismal consultation that occurred with Indigenous people around the nation.
Seed Indigenous Youth Climate Network commissioned a poll of Aboriginal people asking what they thought of Brandis' dirty work.
The poll showed:
- Half had not EVEN HEARD of the Native Title Bill
- Nine out of 10 said there should be further consultation on the Native Title Bill
- 80% said Native Title laws should not be changed to make it easier for mining companies to strike agreements without the consent of all affected Traditional Owners
Larissa Baldwin, National Co-Director of SEED nails it:
“It is wrong to try weaken the Native Title Act and change the rules to suit Adani and the mining lobby at the expense of Aboriginal rights. Native Title laws are crucial to protect our culture from fossil fuel companies bent on destroying our land."
While Adrian Burragubba sets the scene for what's to come:
“We declare our right to our land. There is no surrender. There is no land use agreement. We are the people from that land. We're the rightful Traditional Owners of Wangan and Jagalingou country, and we are in court to prove that others are usurping our rights."
Read more here: Media Release by the Wangan and Jagalingou Family Council - Native Title law now tainted by Adani