AYCC Northern Tas: Film Night to #Stop Adani

Want to learn more how you can #StopAdani from building the biggest coal mine in the Southern hemisphere, and be part of a movement of young people fighting to solve the climate crisis?

Come along to our AYCC Northern Tas film night to see 'Guarding the Galilee (a short film on the campaign to #StopAdani) - learn more about why this mine is so dangerous for our climate and how you can be part of the movement to stop Adani once and for all! 

Right when we need to cut pollution, Adani wants to build a coal mine to burn more coal, which will lead to extreme weather events and further bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef. Not only would this be a climate catastrophe, but it would also trash indigenous rights, rob us of clean water and lead to ongoing coal-related health impacts for communities across Queensland.

Join us to take the power back, and fight to #StopAdani! Hope to see you there :)

Exact building of event at UTAS will be confirmed in the coming weeks!


June 01, 2017 at 6:00pm - 8:30pm


Cat Kerr ·


UTAS Launceston, Newnham Campus
Newnham Drive
Newnham, TAS 7248

Will you come?

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