Activista information stall - 350/ACF and friends

Are you going to The Planting festival weekend at Woodford and could you give an hour to engage with other festival goers? This is a simple info table/stall we have booked so that we can keep the momentum going on Stop Adani and supercharge renewables, whilst attending the festival (you must buy a ticket - we don't provide).  Welcome visitors to move from passive support on the issues, to actively join campaigns to end the fossil fuel era, and encourage renewable energy. To find how they can play a role or contribute - supporting materials provided. We welcome volunteers willing to simply chat with others, hear their concerns, perhaps share your own story of what brought you here, offer the official information such as post-cards to fill in on the spot, pledges and other options for engagement, e.g. The Sun-Powered Queensland campaign. The recent Science Marches show there are many concerned people who want to make a stand. This could be your excuse to treat yourself to a weekend at a wonderful festival! We have a canopy but bring your hat and the usual gear for a weekend festival. More info on the Facebook event page. Note Festival starts Friday night and goes through Sunday night, but stall only daytime Sat and Sun.


April 29, 2017 at 9:00am - April 30, 2017


Helen Kinniburgh ·


The Planting at Woodfordia
1 Woodrow Rd
Woodford, QLD 4514

Will you come?

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