Coolum - People Power will Stop Adani
Stop Adani Sunshine Coast invites the community to an update on the campaign, short film, shared meal and practical ways YOU can save our future!
WHEN > Friday 31 August, 6pm to 8pm
WHERE > Coolum Civic Centre, Park St, Coolum Beach (near Library)
** Light supper provided. Bring a plate to share if convenient **
Adani now claim they have the finance to dig Australia’s biggest ever coal mine: a mine that will cook our climate, wreck our reef and drain our water.
Traditional Owners don’t consent to it, most Australians don’t want it, and yet political parties still support it.
We can’t trust billionaire coal companies to protect our future. Politicians CAN stop Adani, but not until WE demand they do.
*** EVERYONE is welcome to this community event ***
It’s Friday night, so why not bring the kids? There’ll be a children's activity space in the room.