Coolum national doorknock to #StopAdani & celebratory drinks

Be part of the national doorknock to #StopAdani in Coolum and celebrate afterwards with us! Join us on SATURDAY 6 OCTOBER 2018 - Doorknock 1pm to 4pm - Celebrate 4pm to 6pm. We'll meet at 1PM at the Norrie Job Memorial Park on David Low Way (opposite Dan Murphy's). After a 30-min training session, we'll get into pairs and go on our way to engage with the community. We'll meet back at the park after a few hours to debrief and share experiences. We'll then walk across the road to the Coolum Beach Hotel to celebrate a great afternoon. *** Please register to make sure we have all your details in preparation for the day ***


October 06, 2018 at 1:00pm - 6pm


Mitchell Reeves ·


Norrie Job Memorial Park
David Low Way
Coolum Beach, QLD 4573

Will you come?

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