GHD: We Mean Business

We want engineering firm GHD to rule out work on Adani’s mine once and for all! So we’re heading to their St Leonards office in our corporate best to show them we mean business!

It’s all part of the national GHD Week of Action from 21 to 25 October. All across the country people are showing up at GHD offices to ensure they say no to Adani. On Wednesday 24 October, we’ll be talking to GHD staff as they arrive for work. Handing out flyers in our ‘business smart best’, to show GHD staff that people just like them are willing to sacrifice their paid work and their time to stop Adani.

GHD is Adani's longest-serving contractor. They have worked on the Carmichael mine and rail project since 2010. The company claims to have a “commitment to sustainable development”, but helping Adani build the world's biggest new coal mine says otherwise. The company is undergoing a reassessment of their climate policy RIGHT NOW, with plans to announce their new climate policy this month.This is the time to act.

Shine your shoes, put on a tie or your best button-up blouse and show them we’re serious!

Sixty major companies have refused to work with Adani. GHD can do the same.
DRESS CODE: Business attire
HIGHLY DESIRABLE: Home baked goods – we know these get the conversations going! Who can resist a morning muffin or fresh cookie?


October 23, 2019 at 5:00pm - 6:30pm


Stop Adani Warringah, Mosman, Collaroy and Avalon ·


GHD St Leonard’s office
29 Christie St
St Leonards, NSW 2065

Will you come?

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