Big School Walk-out for Climate Action - Ballarat

Students of Ballarat are coming together on the 30th of November at the Ballarat Trades Hall at noon to protest the lack of federal political action on climate change in Australia. Throughout November, students across Australia are temporarily striking from school to call for urgent political action on climate change. There are dozens of strikes planned around Australia including the Whitsundays, country Victoria and NSW, Perth, Hobart, Adelaide, Canberra, Melbourne and Sydney. Most of us had never met one another, but we all share the same concern: our politicians are not doing enough to protect our futures from dangerous climate change. Instead, they are approving massive new coal mines, like Adani's,  that will wreck our future. Us kids didn’t create this problem, but we are going to do all we can to help fix it. And our politicians should too. In Australia, education is viewed as immensely important, and a key way to make a difference in the world. But just going to school isn’t doing anything about climate change. And it doesn’t seem that our politicians are doing anything, or at least not enough, about climate change either. So, as our contribution to the changes we want to see, we are striking from school. We are temporarily sacrificing our education to tell our politicians to save our futures from climate wrecking projects like Adani’s coal mine.



November 30, 2018 at 12:00pm - 2pm


Anna Olivia Burnett ·


Ballarat Trades Hall
24 Camp St
Ballarat Central, VIC 3350
Miranda Veal Geom Fremouw Annie Rolph James Treloar

Will you come?

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