Siemens on verge of Adani rail deal: #StopAdani ask them to rule it out
WHAT: This week, multinational industrial manufacturing giant Siemens is due to sign off on deal to do rail signalling work for Adani’s coal project. They appear to be the only company left willing to do this vital work. The Stop Adani movement will hold anoisy street party, calling on Siemens to rule this out, as Siemens and their rail industry peers head to a Black Tie Gala Conference Dinner at Luna Park for a significant rail industry conference, “Ausrail PLUS”.
WHO: Businessmen Geoff Cousins AM, former Howard adviser and prominent ad man will speak to the crowd.
WHEN: 6PM for 6:30PM speeches, Thursday 5 December 2019
WHERE: Outside The Face, Luna Park, North Sydney.
Businessmen Geoff Cousins AM and former Howard advisor said, “Any company looking to do business with Adani to assist them build their contentious project will hear noise from concerned Australians.
“Eastern Australia is on fire, lives have been lost, homes destroyed and wildlife decimated. The outlook for summer is disturbing. As a nation, we can’t afford to burn more coal which will only worsen the fall out from climate change.
“Over 60 major companies have already ruled out working with Adani. Siemens should not risk their reputation by swimming against the tide.
“Across the world, businesses are saying ‘no’ to coal projects. Siemens would be unwise to be associated with the environmentally destructive Carmichael project.
“The movement of Australians wanting to divert companies from pursuing environmentally reckless projects will not be silenced by Morrison’s proposed secondary boycott laws. Australia is a democracy which values the right to have our say.”
Siemens are one of the only companies that can do crucial signalling work for Adani’s railway. New intelligence has emerged that they are set to clinch a deal by the end of this week and that they are the only company left willing to provide the necessary services.
In less than 24 hours, the Stop Adani movement had kicked off its response. A petition to Siemens is live. On Tuesday there was an action at the Siemens’ office in Brisbane. Australian Siemens staff are being leafletted at various city offices on their way to work. Groups in Germany and New Zealand are launching a push against the multinational.
Over 60 companies globally have already ruled out working with Adani. Full list here.