Launch of Australia-wide #StopAdani Summits
The Stop Adani movement is launching a series of summits around Australia to turbocharge the next stage of the campaign to stop the $1 billion loan of public money to support Adani’s coal mine. The first of the all day summits kick off in Cairns this Sunday (20 August), followed by Townsville (22 August), Mackay (26 August), Sydney (2 September) Brisbane (10 September) and Melbourne. Details here.
Mackay Conservation Group Community Organiser Maggie McKeown, who is helping with the Mackay summit, said, “People are joining together across Australia to stop this mine. They are angry at the idea that $1 billion of public money would be put towards an otherwise unviable project that will wreck our Reef, our groundwater and our climate.
“Stopping the $1 billion loan is key to our campaign. Over three quarters of Mackay residents recently surveyed by Stop Adani Mackay do not support the loan. These results are consistent with the latest national polling which finds three quarters of Australians believe Adani should fund their own infrastructure rather than rely on the loan (March 2017 polling here.)
“It's clear from our work in the community that there are a growing number locals who are against the Adani mine and all of its special treatment from government. These summits are a great opportunity to join forces with like-minded friends and build our movement.
“We are encouraging people to come along to the summits and hear from a range of speakers, share information, and develop skills and ideas to turbocharge the next stage of the campaign.
“The State government has the opportunity to do the right thing and veto the $1 billion loan, which they must do in order to fulfil their 2015 election promise. The summit will enable us to focus on the forthcoming Queensland election and to lobby politicians.
"There are literally hundreds of groups across the country right now working to Stop Adani and we are looking to grow this grassroots movement to help preserve our climate and our future, ” Ms McKeown said.