Bega Valley Greens Hosting a screening of the Stop Adani documentary film "Guarding the Galilee".

Bega Valley Greens invite all residents of and visitors to the Bega Valley area to come along to a relaxed and informal screening of 'Guarding The Galilee'. This film is produced by the Stop Adani coalition to inform us why it is so important for the future of all Australians that we take action to stop the Adani Carmichael coal mining project in the Galilee Basin, Queensland.

Bring your family and friends along to hear our special guest, Blair Palese, CEO of (one of the key organisations in the Stop Adani coalition) introduce the film and answer any questions you may have about it.

For those that will not have time for dinner, hot soup will be available at Tanja Hall after the film.

See you there.



June 30, 2017 at 6:00pm - 9pm


Cathy Griff ·


Tanja Community Hall
266 Barrabooka Rd
Tanja, NSW 2550

Will you come?

Take More Action!